Friday, 27 November 2009

The Night of Broken Glass (Originally Posted on 9 November 2009 at 9:26am on EasyJournal)

November 9th shall live in infamy. Just like Pearl Harbor. Why do I say this? Well, the 9th was when the Jews of Germany lost all illusions as to their place in German society. You see, assimilation had taken a great hold over many German Jews. They were intermarrying and really integrating/integrated into German society. But there was a down side to this. Not every German was happy to see this and you can fool yourself into thinking that people do care and are happy that you are doing these things.
Many little laws had been passed and many were thinking that Hitler would make the general German society tired of him. Yeah, right. They became so tired of him that many were glad to dstroy anything Jewish on any pretense. Herschel Grynzpan gave them a reason and it was on. Imagine yourself a German Jew on that night. Glass shattering and you can hear it. Your front door being broken down and your father, brother, uncle, son, nephew, grandfather, Rabbi, neighbors being beaten and arrested in front of your eyes. You know not why. It is happening all over the country and in little hamlets. Germany. Great society. Gave the world the most marvelous music ever. Such culture. Such madness.
Back when days were relatively good, many German Jews declared that the Jerusalem of the Holy Land was not important to them. Berlin was their new "Jerusalem". It came back to bite them in the bum. They forgot the verse that says "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem..." They forgot. You know they had to eat those words. Berlin turned on them with a vengeance. The Night of Broken Glass was the culmination of a lot of little actions. No illusions now. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Here was real evil staring them in the face. As we know, it got much worse.
When Jews forget their eternal mission in this world, to be a 'light unto the nations', isn't it interesting that someone like a Hitler, the Madman of Iran, Stalin, etc. always turns up to remind them. I am a Jew and I say that proudly. I am a Jew of Color and I am very proud of that. I was there on that awful night. I see the fires. I see the glass. I see the beatings and the arrests. The question is: Will I see it again?

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